School starts again in just a couple of weeks. Many parents and teachers are concerned about the safety of their children with the COVID infections expected to rise in the autumn term. Of course, coronavirus is not the only thing to worry about. We are approaching flu season and many doctors have warned we may see an increase of children hospitalised with other respiratory diseases this year. Potential loss of education due to another lockdown is also a serious concern. So, for all these reasons and more, schools across the country should get prepared well in advance and organise essential school cleaning before the start of the academic year. Here is the bare minimum that should be covered.
Deep Cleaning of the Entire Premises
Deep cleaning is very hard while students are back in the classrooms. Therefore, headteachers and the school governance should arrange a professional deep clean service during the summer holidays. The job must cover the entire premises and leave no missed details. Deep cleaning is done, not only to prevent possible transmission of viral and bacterial diseases, but also to eliminate allergens and improve the overall learning environment of children.
Quality Disinfection
No school should begin the new academic year without a quality disinfection. This service must always be carried out after a deep clean. The sanitisation of the property will ensure that any remaining germs or areas that have become contaminated during summer are now safe for pupils and staff. Even the bare accumulation of dust during the 6-week school closure can be problematic for asthmatic children and adults.
After a deep clean, we always recommend disinfection with EV dry cleaning systems. They are absolutely safe, environmentally friendly and 100% effective.
Special Attention to the Toilets and the Gym
Two of the most dangerous places for the spread of a variety of diseases are the school toilets and the gym. Many children often complain the toilets at school are not in the best condition and some of them look quite gross or are not suited for use at all. Head teachers should make it their priority to pay special attention to the students’ toilets over the summer. Out of order facilities or poor hygiene in those places are a serious health hazard.
The gym and changing rooms should be another high priority tasks on the essential school cleaning list. Warm temperatures plus high humidity create perfect conditions for bacterial multiplication and spread of all sorts of infectious diseases.
Air Vents Cleaning and Improvements
The condition of the air vents and ventilating systems at school must not be ignored. Once cold temperatures set in, opening of windows for air circulation may not be ideal. The summer holiday should be used to carry out any needed improvements and proper cleaning of the air vents. It is very rare that a public school in the UK will have air conditioning or the budget to afford such. Therefore, the best head teachers could do is focusing on improving the ventilation system and maintaining it as clean as possible at all times.